How to Hack Social Media Algorithms for Your Dream Life

How to Hack Social Media Algorithms for Your Dream Life

A few years back, my whole world collapsed around me.

I had an ✨INCREDIBLE✨ crypto career going, but then a business partner (and travel partner for 2 years) betrayed us, stole a LOT of money from a lot of people, then abandoned our team to deal with the fallout.

I lost my career, best friend, roommate, housing, reputation, and source of income in one fell swoop.

It sent me spiraling into a depression I thought I’d never climb out of.

My online habits only magnified the suffering I endured.

I spent months in bed, barely moving except to grab my DoorDashed food in my unbrushed hair.

Days blurred together as I lay there, scrolling endlessly.

My USAF disability pay kept me afloat, and I sold crypto to cover the rest of my living expenses, but I was just existing, not living.

I was angry and bitter all the time, constantly watching people being hateful through subreddits and streams and videos as I isolated myself from everyone else.

It felt like there was no way out, no escape from the hopelessness I was enduring.

Isn’t it wild how our online environments can sometimes feel like echo chambers, amplifying our worst fears and insecurities?

This digital feedback loop can trap us in a state of “mental hell,” where escaping feels like climbing Everest in flip-flops.

And it makes sense—your subconscious controls 95% of your decisions.

Now, think about your own digital interactions.

Have you ever felt dragged down by what you consume online?

Ever wondered if there’s a way to break free and actually make your digital presence serve you instead?

Well, you’re in the right place to find out how to do just that.

Are Your Online Activities Secretly Sabotaging You?

Alright, let’s get real for a minute.

Ignoring how your digital environment affects you can actually hurt you.

ESPECIALLY those of us who are neurodivergent.

Think about it.

Every time you log on, you’re swimming with sharks.

And these sharks are gnarly; they use your data, habits, and even your insecurities against you.

Why does this matter so much?

Well, have you ever noticed how one day you’re feeling great and the next you feel like shit about yourself after scrolling?

Companies manipulate our emotions— because they want us to buy more.

They quite literally manufacture our insecurities to push their products.

They inject those insecurities into us through ads and subconscious messaging.

When we’re unhappy, we spend much more money in our quest for happiness.

And this is all driven by subconscious behavior.

If you don’t step in you’ll have a Board of Directors dictating your self-esteem to fund their 3rd yacht.

This mess also spreads misinformation and division like wildfire.

Remember that story about the girl who’s dad found out she was pregnant because Target figured it out before she did, just from her shopping habits?

Yeah, that’s how fucked up and invasive your digital footprint can be.

It’s not just creepy; it’s downright scary that our data can be used to make big assumptions about our lives without us even knowing.

So, how do you stop this?


Take control of your privacy, stop sharing so much online, hack your algorithms, and question why companies even want your data in the first place.

Oh, and stop buying shit you don’t actually need from celebrities force-feeding you forever chemicals.

My Own Downward Spiral:

During my darkest days post-crypto betrayal, my online habits reflected the chaos of my offline world.

I was trapped in a loop of negative content consumption—doomscrolling at its finest—which only served to deepen my depression and anxiety.

I was also very, very angry.

Every click and scroll took me deeper into a digital mess that reflected my own inner turmoil.

When algorithms designed to maximize engagement push us towards polarizing, sensational content, we end up isolated in echo chambers that reinforce our worst fears and biases.

If we don’t take action, if we let our subconscious shape our digital lives instead of us consciously shaping them, then we become puppets in a high-stakes game of digital manipulation.

So, what’s it going to be?

Will you drift aimlessly with your subconscious as captain, or will your conscious awareness grab the helm and steer it towards safer waters?

Stepping Out of the Shadows

One evening, as I lay on the couch with my phone in hand, aimlessly flicking through negative post after negative post, I finally had enough and it hit me.

My social media feed is truly an unlocked prison for my dreams and my subconscious is the guard.

I was in control—or at least, I could be.

There was no need to put up with this shit any longer.

By hacking these platforms and algorithms, I could reverse engineer the online reality I wanted.

Freedom to change everything was mine at any moment.

All it took was letting my conscious behavior override the cruel guard’s orders.

Prison Break: Adaptive Digital Literacy

Adaptive Digital Literacy became my escape plan.

Here’s how I turned things around:

  • Recognize and Debunk Manipulation: I started critically analyzing the content I consumed. Was this post designed to make me feel inadequate? Why was this ad targeting me? Who benefits from me feeling a specific way about myself? What do they profit from?
  • Master Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): I dug into how my personal data was being used and learned how to control my digital footprint. By understanding what information about me was publicly accessible, I could better manage my online presence.
  • Manipulate Algorithms to My Advantage: Instead of letting algorithms feed me a continuous stream of negative content, I tweaked my settings. I curated my feeds to reflect my true interests and values, focusing on content that was uplifting, educational, and genuinely useful.

Hacking a Dreamy Online Space

This is the one secret that altered my life’s trajectory the most.

My online spaces transformed from pits of despair into a ladder out of the hole and up to my dream life.

They became places where I could explore my passions and connect with my favorite cyborgs (you!🤖💕).

I was no longer a passive consumer of digital content; I became the artist of my life.

Little by little my joy and zest for life came back.

I felt calm and peaceful, and the depression faded away.

Until eventually, I replaced my depression with expression.

How to Actually Shift Realities With Almost No Effort

Remember, every click, every scroll, and every share shapes your digital environment.

Why not make it the most nourishing space you can curate?

Start by auditing your digital consumption and take active steps to transform the way you interact online.

It’s so powerful that skipping it would be like turning your back on a brighter, better future for yourself.

The 4 A.C.T.S of Digital Resilience

Think about it—when was the last time you felt like you were actually in control of what pops up on your screen?

It’s time to grab the reins and make your digital space work for you, not against you.

That’s why I designed the 4 A.C.T.S of Digital Resilience.

Here’s the Scoop:

  • Awareness: Ever caught yourself doomscrolling at 2 AM and wondered how you got there? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Awareness is about snapping out of that trance. It’s knowing who’s behind the info you soak up, spotting the bias, and not just swallowing everything.
    • Pro Tip: Next time you read something that gets your blood boiling, take a beat. Ask yourself, “Who wrote this? What’s their angle?” It’s like checking the expiration date on your milk—it’s all about avoiding that sour taste.
  • Control: It’s about curating your life vibes. Algorithms don’t have to be your puppet master, you can stage a coup. You can tweak settings, pick what to like, share, or ignore, and basically DJ your own digital party.
  • Transformation: This is about crafting an online persona that matches who you want to be. Posting about dreams and goals can make them more real and make them a reality. Start shaping your digital footprint to pave the way for your future self.
    • Get Going: Launch that blog, start that business, share your artwork or newsletter. Little steps can lead to big leaps! The opposite of depression is expression. Express yourself authentically and find your community.
  • Security: Your online world needs locks too! Strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and a keen eye on privacy settings—it’s your digital burglar alarm.
    • Safety First: Ever use your pet’s name for a password? Time for an upgrade. Think more ‘Fort Knox’ and less ‘open house.’

A Checklist for Algo-Hacking

  1. Create a New Instagram Account:
    • Use this one for your goals and dream life; keep the old one for entertainment and cheap dopamine.
    • Commit to Peacemaxxing and Wealthmaxxing while Rageminning (yes, I made those up).
    • Use your old Instagram account for cheap dopamine and mindless scrolling.
  2. Audit Your Digital Consumption:
    • Engage only with content that aligns with your best interests and personal fulfillment.
    • Avoid negative content—don’t comment, like, or share upsetting posts. Don’t even watch them all the way through.
    • Scroll away as soon as you notice something gives you negative emotions (or an increased heart rate) of any sort, that’s how you tell the algorithm you want less of that content.
  3. Ignore Brands and Sponsored Content:
    • Click “Not Interested” on all ads and sponsored content.
    • Focus on content that provides skills for your dream life.
    • Block any company who produces insecurities or sells a product your highest self is disinterested in.
  4. Engage with Relevant Content:
    • Seek advice on challenges you’ll face in your dream life (e.g., marketing, sales, social problems).
    • Follow experts and thought leaders who nourish your mind and inspire you in your dream industry/hobbies.
    • Make connections with other influencers in your industry by engaging thoughtfully so they can cultivate into friendships with like-minded people over time.
  5. Avoid Cheap Dopamine:
    • Don’t follow accounts that offer instant gratification without value.
    • Keep your feed disciplined and aligned with your goals.
    • Avoid sexualized material and most memes.
  6. Stay Consistent:
    • Regularly review your feed to ensure it aligns with your goals.
    • Unfollow or mark as “Not Interested” anything that strays from your goals or detracts from your dream life.
    • You don’t have to be perfect, but when you notice you fall off, get back on track and forgive yourself.

What’s Next? Join In and Level Up!

Are you also tired of being a slave to social media algorithms?

Want to start calling the shots?

Here’s your chance.

Make sure you’re following my new instagram.

The growth strategies are still working, I launched the new instagram 1 month ago and today I just hit 20,000 followers!

And if you haven’t already, subscribe to my newsletter for insider tips, relatable stories, and a community that gets it.

Stay Curious,

Addie LaMarr


  1. Graham

    Just found you on IG, love your content its such a wonderful mix of tech and speaking to building a fulfilling life as a ND person.

    Keep doing what youre doing

  2. MatLOT

    Count me in. Really getting to like your content 😛

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