MemiorZines for Aphantasia: Keeping Up With Memories & Life Events

MemiorZines for Aphantasia: Keeping Up With Memories & Life Events

Living with aphantasia means that the usual vivid snapshots of memories don’t exist in my mind. Instead, my memories are a collection of emotions and sensations, devoid of visual detail. This often makes personal and historical events feel distant and ephemeral

The Challenge:
Without visual memories, significant life and global events can slip away like dreams upon waking—felt but hard to recall. This disconnection from visual memories has long frustrated me, making me feel detached from both my personal history and the world’s unfolding narrative.

A Creative Solution:
To bridge this gap, I turned to poetry. Poetry captures the essence of moments through emotions and language, rather than visual imagery. Each time I experience a surge of feelings or observe a noteworthy event, I jot down my thoughts and use ChatGPT to help craft them into structured, expressive poetry.

Implementing the Strategy:
I compile these poems into a digital magazine using Canva, where I also integrate AI-generated art or my own designs to visually echo the themes of the poems. This process allows me to create a chronological narrative of my life and observations of historic events, capturing them in a format that transcends the need for visual memory.

Publishing Made Easy:
One of the great advantages of using Canva for this project is the affordability and ease of printing the completed magazine. Canva Print allows me to order physical copies of my yearly magazine at a very reasonable cost, directly from the editing platform without any extra steps. This makes it incredibly simple to hold a tangible artifact of my year in words and art.

An example of one page of a Memoirzine about witnessing this chapter of history.

Crafting a Legacy:
The magazine not only serves as a personal memoir but also as a historical record, documenting my perspective on the events that shape our times. It is a testament to living with aphantasia and turning what might be seen as a limitation into a profound source of creativity and documentation.

This approach has profoundly changed how I record and remember life. Through poetry and Canva’s design tools, I transform my ephemeral memories and feelings into a lasting, tangible collection of expressive art. Each magazine is a personal and historical archive, rich with the emotional and intellectual currents of the year.

TL;DR – How You Can Create Your Own Year in Poetry:

  1. Write: Throughout the year, whenever you feel a strong emotion or witness a significant event, write down your immediate thoughts and feelings.
  2. Convert: Use ChatGPT to help turn your rough notes into polished poetry.
  3. Design: Create a digital magazine in Canva, adding your poems and complementing them with personal or AI-generated artwork.
  4. Print: Easily order a printed copy of your magazine directly from Canva at the end of the year, creating a beautiful and affordable keepsake of your memories and reflections.

By following these steps, you can capture your unique perspective on life’s moments and historic events, crafting a personal and artistic legacy that stands the test of time.


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