The AuDHD Morning Routine for Euphoric Flow States

The AuDHD Morning Routine for Euphoric Flow States

A few years ago I stopped taking the copious amounts of Adderall I needed to function. It was so rough and I struggled immensely.

I thought I would never get my sparkle back.

But jokes on old me, because I’m back so much better than ever.

Here’s how I crafted the ultimate superhuman AuDHD morning routine, that literally propels me into those euphoric flow states every single morning.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s go!

1. Positive Affirmations & Clear Your Space

Start your day with powerful positive affirmations. Listen to them while you unf*ck your habitat (tidy up). For a neurodivergent person, a clear environment means fewer unnecessary distractions, helping you focus better. These affirmations are key to reprogramming your subconscious, which drives 95% of your actions. By hacking your subconscious, you can ensure your actions align with your goals and aspirations. I prefer to start my day this way so my flow state feels natural and like it’s coming from a good place emotionally.

I ALWAYS listen to the affirmations in this playlist.

2. 10-Minute Daily Calm Meditation

Once your space is tidy, listen to a 10-minute Daily Calm meditation. This helps you breathe deeply and start your day right. During meditation, notice all the thoughts popping into your head, then let them go. This helps you clear your mind and get in touch with your inner insights. Meditating right after tidying up helps you flex your awareness and set a positive tone for the day.

If you use this referral link, you’ll get a free month of Calm.

3. More Affirmations, Sunlight, & a Walk

Step outside onto your patio, rooftop (if you have one!), or garden. Start walking, or pacing. I tend to walk back and forth in the same spot because I am far too lazy to leave my home. Listen to your affirmations while actually reciting them out loud and focusing on them. Do this outside to also reset your circadian rhythm. Let the sunshine hit your face, and feel your spirit lift as you align your body and mind. It’s really important to be moving your body while you do this. Do it until the positive affirmation video ends. I love to look at nature while doing this.

4. Binaural Beats & Brain Dump with

To get into the perfect flow state, turn on some binaural beats and fire up for your daily brain dump. The binaural beats through your headphones are crucial as they help you channel your thoughts effectively. Classical music won’t work due to the distortion caused by, but the binaural beats keep you in the zone. Just start speaking out loud and it will capture your thoughts, and other people will think you’re on a phone call. Make sure to walk while capturing your thoughts; this combination ensures mental clarity and creativity. Sometimes, pairing this process with a bit of weed can enhance creativity if it fits your routine and doesn’t derail your day (and is legal where you live). This mental decluttering session is a game-changer.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Use and Spotify: Start by firing up to transcribe everything you say.
    • Note: this is a referral link! I get 100 free Otter minutes if you sign up, you get a free month.
  2. Start Walking: Begin walking and moving around to get your body in motion.
  3. Talk to Yourself: As you walk, talk to yourself, following any rabbit holes and exploring your thoughts freely.
  4. Freeflow and Brainstorm: Let your thoughts flow naturally. will capture every solid idea for you to use later.
  5. Review and Organize: After your session, review the transcriptions to organize your thoughts and ideas effectively. You can use’s chat function to ask specific questions like “list every short form content idea I had.”

This method leverages the natural tendencies of ADHD brains, helping you brainstorm and capture ideas in a free-flowing, dynamic way.

This is the specific Spotify playlist I use every single time, no exceptions.

The Golden Rule: No Notifications, No External Distractions

One non-negotiable: avoid notifications or external distractions until after your brain dump. External inputs are like unwanted guests in your mind—they disrupt your flow. Keep your mental space sacred until you’ve completed your thoughts.

Then you can go through your notifications (while still voice recording) so you can narrate the things you need to do and Otter will give you a checklist. This has saved my life many times.

Focus on the Best Part of Your Day

morning routine

You don’t need to be focused all day long. Aim to be at your best when it counts. Set up thought-provoking questions in your notepad to spark creativity. It’s like having a brainstorming session with the smartest person you know—yourself!

Wake Up Excited at 6:30 AM Without an Alarm

I wake up every morning at 6:30 AM without an alarm because I’m genuinely excited about what I do. Cultivate the energy that makes you eager to start your day. It’s literally euphoric for ma and it’s the secret to my output being so high.

The Soundtrack to Your Success

When I’m not listening to affirmations, I tune into binaural beats at the focus frequency. It’s like having a personal DJ for your brain, keeping you in the zone. For some reason, I have found that listening to these keeps me focused all day long.

Tech and Nature: A Perfect Balance

Technology should enhance your ability to spend time in nature, not detract from it. Use these tools to create a routine that’s both connected and grounding.

Try out this blueprint for an unmedicated (or medicated, but it might be difficult) neurodivergent morning routine. Tweak it to fit your life, and watch as you enter euphoric flow states with ease too.


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