Hey there Cyborg!
In this edition of our newsletter, I’ll give you a sneak peek into the advice I wish I could’ve shared with my younger self.
In the next few months, we’re going to explore these topics together.
And for the sake of brevity, I’ll be splitting the insights into two editions.
Each week, we will deep dive into one of these eye-opening revelations and other fascinating topics.
So, buckle up for an exciting adventure as we walk this path together, sharing the wisdom I’ve gained along the way!
1. We must take cybersecurity into our own hands
In a world where the shadows of government surveillance loom large and our digital privacy is constantly under threat, the need to protect our online sanctuaries is more urgent than ever.
Here’s a little secret from my 12 years in cybersecurity:
no company truly cares about your cybersecurity, data, or privacy until they’ve been hacked or breached.
After that, it’s all about damage control. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Don’t leave your privacy in the hands of others—seize control and fiercely protect your digital footprint.
Future Lesson: Outwitting Big Brother: Your Guide to Evading Government Surveillance
2. Gamifying rejection is the secret to overcoming fear of failure
I vividly remember when I separated from the military and was job hunting, I found myself feeling stuck and unmotivated.
But then I had an epiphany:
What if I turned rejection into a game?
I told myself I would aim for 100 rejection letters.
And once I hit that goal, I would reward myself with a new laptop.
With each application, I felt a sense of excitement and possibility that I hadn’t experienced in a long time.
I was putting myself out there, taking risks, and stepping out of my comfort zone by applying for jobs out of my league.
To my surprise, I began receiving calls back for interviews.
And even more surprisingly, I started landing job offers for positions that I thought were far beyond my reach.
And pay grade.

That is how I got the job working with the Department of Justice Office of the CIO.
We hold ourselves back by limiting our beliefs about what we can achieve.
But by challenging ourselves and taking risks, we can accomplish far more than we ever thought possible.
By treating rejection as a playful adventure, Rejection as a Game (RaaG) – similar to how SaaS stands for Software as a Service – you can find joy in life’s setbacks and overcome any fears holding you back.
Future Lesson: RaaG: Rejection as a Game – Unlocking the Joy in Life’s Setbacks
3. Don’t waste your hot years on “good enough” people, date yourself instead
Clarify your preferences and expectations early, or you’ll waste your best years with people who don’t truly captivate you.
I’ve found that staying single and cultivating a solid relationship with myself has allowed me to gain the perspective needed to engage in partnerships that transcend convenience and mutual dependence.
Focus on understanding your desires and needs to create a strong foundation of self-awareness and self-appreciation.
One powerful way to elevate your self-love is by honoring the commitments you make to yourself.
True love starts with understanding and valuing yourself.
Future Lesson: The Art of Self-Love: How to Date Yourself Instead
4. You can (& should) trick algorithms into working for you
You can repurpose the power of social media algorithms to curate a feed that enriches your life with valuable insights, novel ideas, and helpful advice.
To hack the power of social media algorithms, intentionally curate your content and avoid interacting with unpleasant or unhelpful content at all costs.
Future Lesson: Mastering Algorithms: How to Train Social Media to Your Advantage
5. Isolation and alienation cause depression, but a hopeful future and strong support network keep us pushing through adversity
In today’s world, it’s easy to succumb to the pitfalls of nihilism and lose sight of an inspiring future, leaving us grappling with despair and aimlessness.
To break free from this, it’s vital to seek out visions of the future that ignite our passion and inspire us to build a brighter tomorrow.

Embracing the solarpunk ethos is the key to unlocking a future filled with hope and possibility.
Future Lesson: The Power of a Compelling Vision: Inspiring Hope and Purpose with Solarpunk Philosophy
6. Life gets significantly easier when you embrace technology
It’s way better to embrace the cyborg mindset instead of the damsel in distress archetype.
While damsels passively await rescue by Prince Charming, cyborgs take matters into their own hands, using innovation to save themselves.
We can use technology to fight back against disability, limitation, and marginalization.
Instead of depending on others, I’ve adopted the spirit of the cyborg—3D printing the parts I need and forging ahead.
This mindset has allowed me to embody resilience and self-reliance, even when faced with adversity.
Future Lesson: Breaking Free from Limitations: The Self-Reliance of Cyborgs
7. You’ll be unstoppable once you figure out how to focus
Leverage technology to overcome executive dysfunction and enhance your life—it’s transformative!
Use tools like the Overwhelm algorithm for emotional regulation and immortalize your travel memories on the blockchain to address aphantasia and memory issues.

Stay organized with Obsidian’s monthly, daily, and yearly reviews, linking core values to actions for a spiritually fulfilling life path.
Future Lesson: Outsourcing Disability: The Power of Technology
8. Spotting scammers is simple; people are always the main security threat.
As the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space grows, the prevalence of bad actors launching cryptos is becoming increasingly concerning.
Having worked in the industry for years, I have fallen victim to scams and worked alongside individuals who turned out to be frauds.

There are many warning signs I have learned to recognize and can offer valuable insights on how to identify bad guys.
Future Lesson: The Dark Side of DeFi: Learning to Spot the Warning Signs of Rogue Developers
9. Crypto is inclusive and accessible to all, not just tech bros
Crypto goes beyond the tech bro stereotype; it offers a diverse community and innovative solutions that can benefit people from all walks of life.
People like us are committed to building a sustainable future in this space, emphasizing the importance of the ReFi (short for Regenerative Finance) movement and personal identity engagement for lasting change.
Future Lesson: Regen vs. Degen: Choosing a Path in the Crypto Revolution
10. You procrastinate by over-engineering
Procrastination through over-engineering ideas and excessive learning can hinder progress and growth.
Embrace the value of experiments over perfection, and strive to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
another water bottle won’t resolve your hydration issues,
and a new note-taking tool won’t enhance your writing.
we unintentionally procrastinate by over-engineering solutions
Commit to writing and publishing daily, aiming to improve by 1% each day.
Don’t wait for the perfect moment; start now, as done is better than perfect.
Instead, focus on taking action and making consistent progress.
Future Lesson: The Perfect Tool Fallacy: Recognizing Procrastination in Disguise
11. Integrate & honor all parts of yourself, even the icky ones
Lately, I’ve been nurturing my inner child who absolutely adores skateboarding.
I usually indulge in a daily skate and take a longer ride weekly, but writing has been consuming my time and I skipped the longer ride.
My inner child grew restless, as I ignored her urges to go play outside all week.
Today, I couldn’t seem to form a coherent thought or find my writing flow for this newsletter, and then it hit me: my inner child was throwing a temper tantrum, and it was the root cause of my writer’s block!
So, I decided to finally indulge that inner voice and go skateboarding, even amidst my busy schedule.

When I returned, it was as if a veil had been lifted, and my mind was sharp again.
I was astounded by the impact of honoring my inner child’s wishes.
The lesson here is the importance of listening to ourselves and prioritizing self-care, even when it seems counterintuitive.
And this includes all parts of ourself, including our shadow selves.
Future Lesson: Honoring Your Parts: How to Embrace the Complexity of Your Being
12. Risk management is the key to lasting wealth
In my 8-year crypto journey, I’ve avoided exposure to all company collapses by steering clear of risky assets, preserving my wealth during turbulent market conditions.

Mastering risk management is vital for building and protecting wealth, particularly in crypto, often proving more valuable than trading skills alone.
Lesson: The Road to Resilient Wealth: Risk Management Strategies for Thriving in the Crypto World
13. It’s not your fault that you’re always angry; they designed the algorithms to keep us distressed
During 2020, I was consumed by anger, and I’ve since realized that algorithms and media feeds played a significant role in fueling those emotions, often undermining my self-confidence.
To navigate social media effectively while preserving our well-being, it’s essential for us to interact with algorithms deliberately and avoid distressing content.
Platforms like Facebook capitalize on our addiction to outrage, so it’s crucial to rise above this challenge by curating a feed that contributes to personal growth and happiness.
Future Lesson: Breaking Free from Algorithmic Manipulation: A Guide to Mindful Social Media Use
14. Much of our anger is justified, but needs to be constructively expressed
There comes a point when you feel frustrated and fed up, realizing that the people in power are failing us.
And you know what?
We have every right to be angry.
Anger is a powerful emotion when harnessed constructively.
It’s a reaction to understanding that we’re being mistreated and that something isn’t right.

We can’t just sweep these emotions under the rug.
Anger gives us a backbone.
That’s precisely why it’s demonized – because it makes us strong and assertive, unwilling to accept mistreatment or injustice.
We need to embrace our anger, recognizing it as a tool for change and a catalyst for growth.
Not suppress it.
Future Lesson: Feel, Process, and Automate: The Neurodivergent Guide to Managing Big Emotions Constructively
15. The fastest way to learn anything is by teaching (& a few other tricks)
Embracing the practice of learning in public is an incredibly powerful way to rapidly grasp complex and technical concepts.
When we create guides and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for both ourselves and our community, we not only streamline the learning process but also prevent duplicating efforts.
Learning in Public 101:
openly sharing your educational journey; fostering growth & community, encouraging us to make the learning process more enriching & empowering
-share our knowledge
-engage in open discussions
-mutually benefit from each other’s experiences
This ultimately leads to a more efficient and accelerated learning experience.
I developed the LaMarr Method as a way to learn complex technical topics quickly, inspired by listening the catchy lyrics of Kendrick Lamar’s song “Swimming Pools.”
This method urges you to plunge into the immense sea of knowledge, momentarily embracing the feeling of being overwhelmed (drank) as you absorb and learn from the experience (drank).
“Get a swimming pool full of info, and you dive in it.”
By getting comfortable with the sensation of information overload, you can speed up your learning process and triumph over the unfamiliar.
Future Lesson: Unleashing the Power of Learning: Fast-Track Your Mastery of Complex Concepts
As we wrap up this first edition, I’d love to know which lesson you’re most excited to explore.
Reply to this newsletter and let me know.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for next week’s edition for Part 2.
Addie LaMarr