The Truth Behind the TikTok Ban: Following the Money – Part 2

The Truth Behind the TikTok Ban: Following the Money – Part 2

Welcome to Part Two of our comprehensive exploration into the TikTok ban saga.

In this installment, we delve into the multifaceted criticisms surrounding TikTok, dissecting both the rationale behind the ban and the issues it presents.

We will also shine a spotlight on the legislative forces behind this pivotal move, unraveling who sponsored the bill and the entities poised to acquire TikTok.

With a landscape as complex and contentious as this, there’s much to uncover about the challenges and implications at play.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

Table of Contents (Goes to Newsletter)


As we delve deeper into the TikTok narrative, we shift our focus to the critiques that have subjected the platform to intense scrutiny.

This section seeks to unpack the myriad concerns raised against TikTok, from its data privacy practices to the potential for misinformation and beyond.

TikTok’s Data Privacy Dilemma: Navigating the Shadow of Surveillance Concerns

TikTok’s rapid ascent as a global social media leader has encountered increasing data privacy concerns, primarily due to its ties to China, known for strict data control and surveillance.

The fear of data misuse and surveillance has raised concerns among privacy advocates and users.

In response, particularly amid threats of a ban in the United States, TikTok proactively moved American users’ data to servers in Austin, Texas, showing its commitment to address privacy worries by distancing its operations from Chinese oversight.

Despite these efforts, data breaches and privacy violations have marred TikTok’s record, fueling skepticism and drawing parallels to the Huawei controversy, where the Chinese telecom giant faced global scrutiny over espionage fears.

However, TikTok’s privacy and security concerns, while broader and less defined than Huawei’s, still encompass data privacy, user surveillance, and potential algorithmic manipulation, highlighting the broader national security and cybersecurity debate.

TikTok’s challenge lies in balancing global connectivity and expression with the risks of surveillance and data misuse.

As the company works to build trust and ensure user privacy, it navigates the complex terrain of innovation, privacy, and security in the digital age.

Influence on Youth

TikTok’s compelling allure and its sophisticated algorithmic content curation significantly concern its profound impact on the youth.

The platform’s addictive nature and personalized content tailoring can shape young people’s perceptions, behaviors, and understanding of complex societal issues profoundly.

One illustrative example of this influence appears in younger audiences’ diverse perspectives on the Palestine-Israel conflict, demonstrating TikTok’s potent role in framing such contentious discourses.

Debates go beyond specific geopolitical issues, raising broader concerns about the platform’s ability to shape societal norms and behaviors among its predominantly young user base.

Rather than acting as a passive content repository, this dynamic platform engages and empowers young people to discuss, debate, and mobilize around societal challenges.

This dynamic is particularly striking considering the generational gap between TikTok’s young audience and the significantly older demographic of most legislators, often marked by a stark contrast in priorities.

These observations raise questions about TikTok’s ethical responsibility towards its users.

With its influential stance, the platform faces increasing calls to consider the implications of its content delivery mechanisms and the content it promotes, especially given its core user base’s impressionable age.

This situation demands a careful balance between fostering a vibrant space for expression and engagement on critical societal issues and ensuring this engagement remains constructive, informed, and safe for its young audience.

TikTok and Douyin: Navigating Two Distinct Digital Worlds

TikTok offers a compelling case study in the global digital platform arena, illustrating how a single brand can encapsulate vastly different realities across borders.

Known internationally as TikTok and as Douyin in China, these platforms significantly diverge despite sharing a parent company.

They present contrasting content, follow different operational philosophies, and navigate diverse regulatory landscapes.

The Clash of Expression and Control

Globally, TikTok has emerged as a dynamic space for self-expression, creativity, and viral content, acclaimed for democratizing media creation and amplifying diverse voices.

In contrast, Chinese regulators closely watch Douyin, implementing strict content moderation policies and censorship to maintain social harmony and political stability, according to the Chinese Communist Party’s standards.

This division mirrors the broader gap between open internet ideals and the realities of sovereign internet models.

China’s intricate digital governance strategy, characterized by thorough narrative control and strong cyber sovereignty, stands in stark contrast to the platform’s operations in liberal democracies, which prioritize freedom of expression.

Surveillance and Censorship: A Delicate Balance

TikTok’s connections to China spark debates over surveillance and data privacy risks, overshadowing its operations in the West.

The difference in operational freedom between TikTok and Douyin underscores the difficulties of running a global digital platform amid vastly different views on information control, privacy, and government authority.

The divergent paths of TikTok and Douyin highlight the complex challenges at the intersection of technology, governance, and human rights.

China enforces strict content controls to align digital discourse with state narratives.

However, applying such controls to TikTok in liberal democracies contradicts free speech principles and the open internet, igniting debates on the role of digital platforms in regulating public discourse.

Championing Digital Freedom While Ensuring Security

The conversation around TikTok highlights the need for a balanced approach that carefully navigates between national security interests and digital freedoms.

Addressing TikTok’s global implications goes beyond the platform, touching on digital sovereignty, cross-border data flows, and free expression rights in the digital age.

Advocating for a nuanced stance on TikTok underscores that democratic values must extend into the digital realm.

Defending digital spaces from undue surveillance, censorship, and control is crucial, reflecting the broader fight to maintain freedom, privacy, and openness.

Thus, the TikTok saga prompts us to ponder democracy’s nature in the digital era, urging us to protect cyberspace as a domain of freedom and innovation as passionately as we do in our physical world.


Recently, the United States Congress introduced a new legislative effort, the “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act,” colloquially known as H.R. 7521, that casts a long shadow over the landscape of free expression and global communication.

Gaining momentum rapidly in Congress, this bipartisan bill represents a decisive move to mitigate national security concerns about applications like TikTok, under the influence of foreign adversaries, most notably China.

The Ban’s Intent and Scope

H.R. 7521 presents a clear yet significant demand: TikTok must sever its ties with any adversarial foreign nation or risk facing a comprehensive ban in the United States.

The bill establishes a strict deadline—180 days for TikTok to secure a new owner not based in a country deemed an adversary.

Simultaneously, the bill authorizes the President to label applications influenced by such nations as national security threats, which could lead to their removal from app stores and web services unless they meet strict compliance criteria.

The bill derives its legal force from a provision that criminalizes the distribution and maintenance of specified apps, setting the stage for a possible nationwide TikTok ban or a forced sale.

While the bill targets TikTok directly, its effects could spread, potentially catching other platforms like Tencent’s WeChat in its net and sparking a wider debate on digital rights and privacy.

Critics argue that despite aiming at foreign data sharing practices, H.R. 7521 might not effectively halt such activities and could, in fact, reduce online user rights.

This proposed bill follows the stalled RESTRICT Act, reigniting heated discussions on digital privacy, national security, and the legislative impact on the rights of internet users.

Constitutional Concerns and the Free Speech Dilemma

The prospective ban strikes at the heart of American civic values—free speech and First Amendment rights.

To millions of users, TikTok serves as a public square for expression and association, not just an app.

Thus, a government-imposed ban threatens to erode these fundamental liberties.

In any ensuing legal battle, courts are expected to apply intermediate scrutiny, challenging the government to prove that the proposed ban is not only ‘narrowly tailored’ but also addresses tangible and immediate harms, rather than speculative ones.

Furthermore, the Berman Amendments protect the free flow of information, a cornerstone of the digital age, endorsing the principle that information should cross borders freely.

A TikTok ban could inadvertently violate this principle, acting as an indirect ban on international information exchange.

Information Security Concerns

In discussing TikTok’s potential ban, we must critically examine the implications for information security.

Blocking existing users from accessing vital updates could leave them vulnerable to unresolved security threats, risking their data.

Moreover, removing a major player like TikTok from the market could unintentionally strengthen the hold of a few dominant social media platforms, stifling competition and innovation in the space.

Our cybersecurity strategies need to be comprehensive and grounded in principles, tackling the essential issues that promote a secure digital environment.

My experience in drafting government cybersecurity policies has taught me that effective policies pinpoint specific malpractices rather than targeting entities.

Implementing blanket bans on companies, as with TikTok, may open doors for other potentially harmful actors to exploit these voids.

The complexity of cybersecurity challenges requires equally nuanced solutions.

The case of Huawei, with bans introduced over genuine cybersecurity concerns linked to critical telecommunications infrastructure, highlights the importance of precision in policymaking.

Unlike the vague and broad justifications for the TikTok ban, the Huawei issue centered on clear threats to crucial infrastructure.

Given the concerns surrounding TikTok, we must rigorously assess the underlying cybersecurity issues.

Are these concerns significant enough to warrant a ban, or can we find more focused, effective measures to mitigate potential security risks?

Our cybersecurity approach should avoid broad restrictions and instead pursue targeted strategies that resolve specific vulnerabilities without hindering innovation or infringing on freedoms.

Legislative Context and Data Security

Alongside H.R. 7521, legislators have introduced other measures like the Data Act and the RESTRICT Act.

These Acts share a common goal: to limit transactions with entities capable of transferring personal data to countries under China’s influence or similar.

Specifically, the Data Act aims to restrict property transactions involving foreign individuals who manage connected software applications vulnerable to Chinese influence, potentially leading to sanctions on platforms like TikTok.

However, these Acts face significant opposition.

The ACLU and privacy advocates have raised concerns about the specificity and constitutional validity of these proposals.

They argue that these Acts might undermine the protections of the Berman Amendments, affecting issues well beyond TikTok or the influence of any single country.

A Delicate Balance

The discussion around the TikTok ban acts as a crucible, weighing the protection of national security interests against the safeguarding of free expression and information security robustness.

As Congress deliberates H.R. 7521 and related legislation, the outcome will decide not just the fate of an app but also set a precedent for how America navigates data sovereignty, international communication, and its citizens’ immutable rights in an increasingly interconnected world.


Political Donors Behind the TikTok Ban Legislation

Fortunately, identifying the sponsors of the bill and the entities interested in purchasing the platform is relatively straightforward.

In this section, we will delve into exactly who is behind these significant moves, shedding light on the motivations and implications of their actions.

The Congressional Sponsor

Rep. Mike Gallagher, a Republican congressman from Wisconsin, stands at the forefront of the proposed TikTok ban, making headlines as the bill’s primary sponsor.

His legislative interests, consistently centered on national security, are evident in his sponsorship of H.R. 7521.

Insight into Political Contributions

An examination of Rep. Gallagher’s political contributions reveals the interests that may shape his legislative priorities.

FEC filings show that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was his top donor in the 2022 election cycle, contributing $44,300 to his campaign, and an additional $17,500 in 2024.

This support from AIPAC, a well-known advocacy group, signifies significant backing and suggests a potential alignment of interests in the legislator’s actions.

The Tech Industry’s Involvement

In addition to advocacy groups, notable names within the tech industry have contributed to Rep. Gallagher.

For the 2023-2024 period, Palantir and Google, known for their significant roles in data analytics and the digital market, respectively, rank among his top contributors. Palantir contributed $44,601, while Google donated $43,400.


The Implications of Donor Interests

The financial support from AIPAC and major tech corporations for Rep. Gallagher indicates a complex web of interests possibly driving the push for the TikTok ban.

Significant contributions from AIPAC, along with funding from tech giants, suggest broader strategic interests behind the legislative proposal.

Buying TikTok: Steve Mnuchin Leads Investment Group

Steve Mnuchin, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary, is leading the charge to purchase TikTok, orchestrating an ambitious move to acquire TikTok through his investment group, Liberty Strategic Capital.

Key Players TL;DR:

  • Steve Mnuchin, Former US Treasury Secretary
  • Michael Milken, Former Felon & American Financier
  • David Friedman, Former Israel Ambassador
  • Yossi Cohen, Mossad
  • Cybereason & its board
    • Gerhard Eschelbeck, Google
    • Mike Gordon, Lockheed Martin

Who He’s Working With

Michael Milken

Steve Mnuchin’s efforts to secure TikTok gain strength from connections like American financier Michael Milken.

Milken, once a dominant figure in the junk bond market, became controversial due to his conviction for securities fraud and racketeering.

Milken’s illegal practices in manipulating the high-yield bond market exploited the financial system and disproportionately harmed less affluent investors by transferring wealth to richer segments.

His profit-driven actions, ignoring ethical considerations, led to his conviction for securities fraud, highlighting the illegality of his methods and their harmful impact on the financial landscape.

Despite the legal controversies and his conviction, President Trump pardoned Milken shortly before the end of his term, igniting debate.

After the October 8th, 2023, attacks, Milken has focused on advocating for investments in Israel, suggesting a timely opportunity for investment in the country.

This stance shows Milken’s ongoing involvement in these financial markets.

David Friedman

Further deepening the strategic dimensions of the bid, Mnuchin has collaborated with his business partner, David Friedman, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration, who has deep roots in Israel.

Together, they traveled to Israel to recruit other investors for this deal.

Their joint effort reached out to Yossi Cohen, the former director of Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency, though plans for his involvement fell through due to his upcoming retirement.

Cybereason & their Board

Liberty Strategic Capital is leveraging a powerful network of influential figures and experts, not navigating this ambitious venture alone.

This becomes particularly evident in Mnuchin’s first venture capital investment in Cybereason, a cybersecurity firm with deep ties to Israeli intelligence, which simulates cyberattacks cancelling US elections and the impact of martial law declaration.

At the firm’s strategy core is its collaboration with influential board members, including prominent individuals like Gerhard Eschelbeck, Google’s Vice President of Security & Privacy Engineering, and Mike Gordon, the Deputy CISO & Director of Intelligence & Operations at Lockheed Martin.

Their involvement with Cybereason, and indirectly with Liberty Strategic Capital, underscores a mutual ambition to acquire TikTok.

Steven Mnuchin also holds a position on the board of directors, thanks to his fund’s investment.

The collective cybersecurity and intelligence influence of these members significantly enhances the strategic value of Mnuchin’s investment.

Implications for TikTok and Global Tech

Mnuchin’s bid for TikTok, alongside his consortium, transcends a mere business transaction; it marks a strategic shift in the ownership and trajectory of one of the globe’s most pivotal social media platforms.

As digital arenas increasingly intersect with geopolitical and cybersecurity concerns, the ramifications of this acquisition stretch far and wide, potentially impacting privacy, security, and the international digital power equilibrium.

In the global technology investment chess game, Steve Mnuchin’s strategy to secure TikTok via Liberty Strategic Capital emerges as a significant maneuver, deeply influenced by Israel’s interests.

In essence, the forces driving the ban’s sponsorship and those keen on acquiring the platform seem united by a shared interest: Israel.

This connection raises concerns, especially against the backdrop of leaked audio from ADL and AIPAC discussions.

These leaks shed light on the generational divide in views on the Israel-Palestine conflict, underscoring the significant challenge TikTok poses in molding and broadcasting generational perspectives on this contentious issue.


The essence of the TikTok ban goes beyond national security concerns.

It centers on controlling a narrative that has become increasingly elusive to a specific nation, particularly as the younger generation uses platforms like TikTok to voice dissent against perceived injustices and war crimes.

While TikTok indeed raises legitimate security issues, the tradition of policy-making in democratic societies does not support imposing blanket bans on companies.

Instead, policies aim to prohibit specific harmful practices, a strategy that not only upholds freedom principles but also serves corporate and societal interests.

Therefore, it’s crucial to recognize the broader implications of the TikTok ban on free speech.

Take a stand for your rights and the principles of democracy: reach out to your representatives.

Voice your opposition to the ban, highlighting the need to address specific security concerns without sacrificing our fundamental freedoms.

By taking this action, you defend free speech and promote a meaningful conversation on balancing security with the liberties that define our society.

Join us in safeguarding democracy’s cornerstone by opposing the TikTok ban.

Stay Curious,

Addie LaMarr


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